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Here is how to know- when to change your skin products?

By Dr.Janani Palanivel on 30-06-2022


Here is how to know- when to change your skin products?

Our skin and hair is ever changing. On an average, our skin and hair shows changes every 1 to 2 years.   These changes are subjected to changes in the way our hormones work, our lifestyle, our food intake, our sleep and weather changes. Hence, the skin products which you had used before, might not suit your skin all of a sudden. Never mind!  It indicates that it is time to change the products. The below are few signs and symptoms for you to decide upon reconsidering your skin care products:


 Unusual redness or irritation on skin with the usual products could occur anytime.  For example, a person who has used hair dye for many years, could suddenly get allergic to the contents in it. Your skin could show sudden sensitivity to the contents in the product, even if you have used it  for many years. Hence, better to take a dermatology opinion and consider changing the product that you are using.